Resumo: |
A new trend in terms of actions for the local development has been configured. These actions consider the territory and its actors. It is in this context that the inductions methodology of the Integrated and Sustainable Local Development (DLIS, from the portuguese Desenvolvimento Local Integrado e Sustentável) arises. This Program is a strategy of participatory induction for the development, which mobilizes communities resources, that in partnership with the State (in its three levels) and the market, reaches diagnostics and identify potential vocations, prepare integrated development plans, in the perspective of the subjects involvement as proponents and protagonists of a social action in their territories. With this study it was aimed to understand the multidimensionality of the DLIS process in the state of Roraima, and at the same time, looking for the causal link between the socio-economic trajectories (results) of DLIS and social capital. The survey is characterized as qualitative research. The case study method was applied, involving the municipalities of Rorainópolis, Uiramutã, Baliza and Pacaraima. It was adopted three dimensions analytical contextual, which are: conceptual, implementation and of impact. In the evaluation of social capital were considered as variables the participation, trust, cooperation and networks. During the data interpretation, the following approaches were employed: contextual analysis, descriptive analysis, differences in proportions analysis and correspondence analysis. The survey results showed that some concepts and categories employed by the Program, while important, have some failures. Two municipalities, Rorainópolis and Uiramutã, were considered as good results. This, because they combine a number of issues that expressed desirable conditions to turn the DLIS effective with its multiple dimensions. Moreover, the municipalities of Baliza and Pacaraima were classified as bad results municipalities. The results of the DLIS in Rorainópolis and Uiramutã are linked to the social capital (positive relation). Despite of the extensive literature that assigns the relevance of the social capital, it does not have, yet, satisfactory instruments to measure the social capital. In this context and in fact, the understanding of these results represents merely an approximation. |