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In the study that led to the Theory of Multiple Intelligences (MI), Gardner (2001) states that we are endowed with a spectrum composed of several intelligences and the individual development depends on the cultural context. Assuming the principles of MI theory and reflecting on the context of teaching optics activities and educational activities for Polytechnic High School, which was deployed in Rio Grande do Sul in 2012, were developed and evaluated in order to improve students learning. The activities planning started from previous students' ideas mapping about the nature of light. This initial mapping showed that students had an immense difficulty in expressing the nature of light or describing its meaning. Activities were developed and applied to a group of students from an urban Polytechnic Public High School, in Rio Grande do Sul, over an academic quarter. The starting points proposed by the Theory of IM were used to stimulate multiple intelligences: Linguistic, Logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, naturalist, and Personal. The spectrum of intelligences, in it s entirely, was not stimulated, although in each activity, but we sought to involve the largest possible number of intelligences. It was found that the activities promoted not only the complexity of previous ideas, but the development of students' autonomy to positining themselves about the nature of light theories and the optical phenomena. Throughout this research, we seek to encourage the greatest possible number of intelligences, presenting different perspectives in Optics, unusual in physics teaching, such as the use of painting, drawing and storytelling activities, allowing students to make use of their skills, building learning together with other colleagues and with the teacher. We concluded that MI theory, practiced in the classroom, can show up as a possible solution to improve students academic achievement and self-esteem, as it considers the pluralistic intelligence, not only emphasizing the linguistic and logical-mathematical |