Resumo: |
This research proposes to present a study about shame from the point of view of lacanian psychoanalysis. As a starting point and guiding principle, we take as a reference the observation that shame is ( ) the hole from which the master signifier arises , given in 1970 by Lacan, in his seminar The Other Side of Psychoanalysis. This election puts before us two perspectives, explored in this present investigation: 1) the construction of a conceptual elaboration concerning shame and its relation to the notions of hole, crack, castration and repetition, that allows us to develop a structural point of shame in the subject; 2) considering the historical contingency in which Lacan stated his observation about shame mentioned above, that is, the moment when he was addressing direct criticisms against the students and the production of science for the market, we situate the structural element of shame in relation to the status of the subjectivity engendered under capitalism, that is, a subjectivity oriented for the obliteration of references, traces, singularity, that promotes a degeneration of the master signifier. This second perspective allowed us to enter the political/clinical/ethical aspect of shame, grounded in the passages of Lacan's work where shame was proposed as a fundamental element for the clinic and for the direction of the cure. The sprouting of shame was also proposed as a political/clinical counter-experience for the subject, considering that the discourse of the analyst is the one which can face the discourse of the capitalist, precisely because it can recover the singular experience of jouissance and its singular trace |