Mostrando 1 - 20 resultados de 9.065 para a busca '(((( ordem social zorzo douglas ) OR ( dam social sport club ))) OR ( in society support the ))*', tempo de busca: 0,47s


... wildfire’s negative impacts on society and the environment and amplifying positive ones on fire-dependent...

Fuel characterization using remote sensing in support of large-scale wildfire management in the Cerrado biome

Publicado em 2022


...Presently, human society and the natural environment confront one of the most significant...

English learning in support of environmental action: promoting environmental and scientific literacies through the application of a didactic sequence

Publicado em 2023


... videos have a huge impact on society. An evidence of the popularity of videos growing in society can...

A method to support accessible video authoring

Publicado em 2016


.... Neste contexto, a universidade assume o papel de contribuir com o desenvolvimento econômico, social...

The role of the State University of the West of Paraná in the innovation ecosystem of the west Paraná region

Publicado em 2021


... to society, as the evolution of the field of PSMs was presented, the way these approaches were applied...

A facilitation model based on soft systems methodology to support decision making in brazilian watershed committees.

Publicado em 2021


... systems, has faced new demands that call attention to the integrity of the natural, economic, and social...

Responsible innovation in mobility systems: a support for governance of smart and sustainable universities campuses

Publicado em 2022