Resumo: |
The Brazilian territorial sea holds more than 14% of the worldwide elasmobranch biodiversity, of which at least a quarter can be found on inshore areas and over the continental shelf of the São Paulo state. Despite the great biodiversity and undoubted relevance for ecosystem balance as intermediate regulators in the trophic chains, a significant number of the species remains poorly studied, requiring deeper knowledge about their autecology (i.e., home range, habitat use, population structure and dynamics). Particularly, the protection of marine habitats and related species along the São Paulo coast is a challenging task, since stakeholders struggle to accomplish all the taxa conservation requirements throughout their lifespan among intense and diverse anthropogenic stressors (e.g., fisheries, sound and chemical pollution and harbors operation). Based on that, the principal objective of this doctoral dissertation is to provide new information that could enhance conservation polices and guide management actions of local Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), increasing their effectiveness for demersal elasmobranch conservation. In the first chapter, the morphometric dimorphisms between sexes of a threatened guitarfish, Zapteryx brevirostris, was investigated regarding biological and ecological pressures. Here the strong influence of gonadal maturation on such dimorphisms is highlighted and ontogenetic changes in habitat use is revealed, warning about the possible impacts of fishing activities in key habitats for its different life stages. In the second chapter, an applied approach using reproductive and feeding guilds as well as variations in the relative abundance of both functional groups and of the species in relation to the local oceanographic dynamic characterized the role played by two major MPAs. Additionally, their effectiveness was assessed by the evaluation of fishery indicators for Z. brevirostris and comparisons of changes in ichthyofauna composition over the years. The third chapter estimated the overall richness of the demersal assembly in the north and central parts of the São Paulos continental shelf, exploring the possible effects promoted by the geomorphology using different structures of multi-species occupancy models. The integration of these findings might be a useful tool to improve the current conservation scenario in the São Paulo coast. While the assessment of the MPAs functionality and effectiveness bring insights about how the elasmobranchs use the region and strengthen the importance of implementing control measures, the understanding of the species distribution patterns allows the establishment of more suitable conservation and management actions. |