Resumo: |
With the growing increase use of underground water resources for different types of uses, verified the need to evaluate the progressive variation of the level of water in the underground reserves. Due of the urbanization process, modify the characteristics of the natural landscape, implying in the soil impermeability in large areas, reducing the conditions of infiltration and recharge of groundwater sources. In this context, studies aim to establish control of the extraction of groundwater, aiming at the conservation of the quantitative and qualitative aspects of natural aquifers. The excessive exploitation of groundwater already poses risks to the public water supply in some Brazilian municipalities, with the necessity of implementation of appropriate management to ensure the sustainable use of water resources. This work analyzed the behavior of the potentiometric level Bauru aquifer the municipality of Sao José do Rio Preto, due to the sharp increase in drilling wells and the need for delimitation of areas potentially critical groundwater resources. The research focused on the manipulation of data and information necessary to represent the variations of the static level of the Bauru aquifer, and quantify the growth of the urban and the population municipality. The data referring aquifer were collection in the Information System of Groundwater (SIAGAS) and the Department of Water and Electrical Energy (DAEE) Araraquara, data relating of the relief of the terrain and ground cover, collected by the EMBRAPA, INPE, IBGE and image viewer satellite Google Earth and, the population data by the IBGE. With the assistance of software AutoCAD, Excel, Google Earth, Spring and Surfer were constructed maps of land cover and DEMs (Digital Elevation Models) terrain and static level of the aquifer, as well as illustrative graphics, for representation and quantification of variations in the period 1972-2012. The results demonstrated that the uncontrolled increase of urbanization had a direct influence under the potential underground water, as well as, the excessive extraction of groundwater, which contributed to the occurrence of the downgrade of 10 meters from Bauru Aquifer, observed in the 2000s. The Bauru Aquifer, the main source of municipal supply, presents itself limited and may directly jeopardize the public supply system, which uses 41.2% of the 43,818 m³/d removed from the source. |