Resumo: |
We propose to investigate the process of developing a question bank of Portuguese, Mathematics and Science to constitute a performance test, which is in the context of a proposal for a collaborative work developed by a multidisciplinary panel. Our objective was to describe and analyze the processes of establishment of the performance test in Science. The characteristics of the analysis process were based on concepts of Instructional Design. This paper presents a qualitative approach. We start from a theoretical and descriptive perspective by working with a significant variety of situations arising or educational phenomena of collective construction and performance test of the perceptions of members of the working groups. Data collection was made possible by the technique of participant observation which enabled a description and analysis of the elements involved in episodes collected during the months of January 2012 to March 2013, from reports of some informal conversations with teachers, students scientific research and transcriptions of recordings of six meetings prepared. As the data analysis, the observations of reports of selected episodes were analyzed from two categories constructed a priori, and extracted from the theoretical framework of Instructional Design. We developed two categories with subcategories, viewing: first category - Design and second - Execution. The first addresses the following subcategories: Analysis, Design, Development; and the second covers: Implementation and Evaluation. We observed that the group´s intention was not to build a new test, but the development of new forms of questions that addressed contextualize the guiding themes and greater simplicity in his reading to also facilitate the achievement of students with learning difficulties. Furthermore, we understand that the group used the reference matrix of Portuguese and Mathematics for the preparation of the test, but the array reference to the issues of Sciences was different, as it encompassed the concerns of teachers with experience in the classroom, undergraduate students as well as researchers, masters and doctors. This dialogue between the different approaches can make our original matrix. Thus we see that the collaborative work of the multidisciplinary panel may have innovated in the way of developing questions for the school performance test, since the reference matrices of other testesnacionais Proof Provinha Brazil and Brazil does not have a strong participation of teachers Basic education in the construction of the same, and more, there is an array of Sciences clearly and objectively for all years evaluated. The group also presented some features of Instructional Design to develop a methodology for collaboratively with planning and organization of activities involving reflection and action continuously, which can enrich the way you think, act and solve problems, creating opportunities for success in proposal to develop a set of educational issues to be inserted into a program for performance evaluation in science, in order to also meet students with learning difficulties. |