Resumo: |
The present research discusses the landholding reconfiguration in the agricultural frontier space. The objective was to investigate the changes that have occurred in rural property, with regard to the characteristics of the ownership pattern and agrarian structure, in the Araguaia River basin in Goiás, with a case study in one of the municipalities that make up the basin. Based on the assumption that there is a spatial rearrangement movement caused by the deepening of capitalist relations in the countryside, the research was based on two hypotheses: an invisible reconcentration, because it is not detected in the available economic research; and the reterritorialization of capital, which reflects social changes and production relations. The case study analyzed primary data, from the public deeds of rural properties, collected during field work carried out in a land registry office in the Goiás municipality of Aruanã, which is totally included in the hydrographic basin of the Araguaia River, in two time periods, current and retrospective, i.e., from 30 to 40 years ago. The research was developed in three axes of work and stages of realization. The state of the art performed the inventory of the academic research produced throughout the country in graduate courses and complete articles published in periodicals, on themes related to the use, occupation, conflicts, aptitude, and environmental impacts, as well as physical characterization, such as soil, relief, among others, aiming to verify the information that could be used as a data reference for the thesis. The occupation of space analyzed the long process of occupation of the basin, establishing the historical-economic contextualization and examining the demographic, social and economic variables, constituted by statistical indexes, systematized for the researched clipping. Methodologically, the study was supported theoretical model that correlates the changes in the land use to the frontier expansion phenomena: expansion front, pioneer front, and agricultural frontier, with the purpose of serving as a contextual and data support for the study on land tenure. Finally, the findings of the case study, compared with the evolutionary framework of frontier expansion, allowed the identification of a new conformation in rural economic and social relations, and corroborated to recognize land concentration by the average size of the properties and the change in the pattern of rural property owners, mainly related to place of residence, direction of establishments, demography, among others. The results on land tenure confirmed the hypothesis raised in the paper and highlighted the problems arising from the policies that instituted an agricultural development model in the country. Such consequences express reterritorialization, a concept that identifies the spatial and social movement of expanded reproduction of capital, which has been imposing changes in the appropriation of territory, increasing inequalities in the countryside, and imposing transformations in the traditional rural space, impacting social and production relations. |