Resumo: |
The present work aims to present the academic path for the production of an electronic book about the Orquestra Criança Cidadã Meninos do Coque (OCCMC) and the place that was its birthplace. This Orchestra was inaugurated in 2006, bringing together children and teenagers from 7 to 15 years old for musical learning and other activities. Over time, the OCCMC became known nationally and internationally, standing out in major events, but no historiographical studies about it have not been found. For this, a theoretical support in history was sought, analyzing the historiographical operation, the social place, the cultural circularity, history from below, in addition to the representations, practices and cultural appropriation. The methodology used was based on a case study, using oral sources, magazines, newspapers, portals, websites, blogs as data collection tools. There was also access to public and private collections, where it was possible to obtain printed and digital materials, such as photographs, reports, books, theses, dissertations and relevant articles. Between research and analysis, the writing and graphic production of an e-book began, preferably intended for undergraduate students in the humanities areas, interested in research related to the Coque community and the Orquestra Criança Cidadã. |