Resumo: |
The absence of teeth leads to bone resorption, rehabilitate edentulous individuals through implants can be difficult when this is a severe resorption. The maxillary sinus lift is an alternative to allow the placement of implants in patients with extreme jaw bone resorption, particularly in the posterior maxillary. Objectives: Given the variety of grafts available for maxillary sinus lift, this systematic literature review aims to compare the use of Bio-Oss® with the use of autogenous bone with regard to implants survival rate. Methods: Through MeSH terms, entry terms and Boolean operators, a search for clinical and comparative studies of use of Bio-Oss® and use of autogenous bone for maxillary sinus lifting in PubMed, Embase and Cochrane Library. Results: The search initially found 709 articles that after excluding duplicates resulted in 672 jobs that had the title and summary read. 60 studies were read in full and 08 selected for analysis. The best implant survival rate found was 100% using isolated Bio-Oss®, using autogenous bone alone or a combination of autogenous bone with Bio-Oss®. The lower survival rate found was 82.4% for implants placed in the maxillary sinus filled with autogenous bone. There was no statistically significant difference between groups of the included studies. Conclusion: Still not possible to consider the Bio-Oss® as the gold standard for maxillary sinus floor augmentation, but we can suggest that, as the autologous bone, the biomaterial has excellent implant survival rates. |