Resumo: |
This dissertation aims to analyze the relationship between the processes of social exclusion and the history of oppression suffered by vulnerable segments of society in the face of the Brazilian penal system. The research aims to establish the relationship between prison and homelessness, present in the mechanisms of oppression, which criminalize specific social segments, for the reproduction of the mechanisms of power, with prison being an instrument for the maintenance of the power and legitimacy of the State. To develop this reflection, we bring the debate on the concepts of exclusion and inclusion presented by several authors in sociological theory. The dialogue between the categories Lumpenproletariat and Dangerous Classes presents in Marxist theory and the production of delinquents and docile bodies, presented by Foucault, sheds light on the understanding of the history of criminal law, the game and maintenance of the power constituted over society in general. The relationship between social inequality and criminality will be presented based on the sociological analysis of the life stories of four people with diverse identity profiles, allowing us to extract universal aspects capable of generalization, which are contained in the narratives of individuals. The life stories will be instruments for discussing the relationships between the identity profiles of these categories with the homeless situation and the relationship between the latter and the penal system, using the notion of intersectionality as a theoretical category that focuses on multiple systems of oppression, articulating race, gender, class, sexualities and other markers of inequalities and social hierarchies, seeking, based on the analysis of data from quantitative research that consolidates information and data, to map the socioeconomic profile of the population in this situation, to reflect on the protection that this essential means of social control can offer as a powerful instrument to guarantee the interests of the dominant classes |