Resumo: |
In this study we suggest investigating the Didactical Transposition, theory originated in the Didactic of Mathematics and proposed by Yves Chevallard, to explain the evolution of knowledge in Science Education, including the contents of Environment and Environmental Education, specifically in Environment and Environmental Education in areas of mangroves. Initially, we analysed how such knowledge of Environment of mangrove are transported from its origins in academies - scientific knowledge - up to become objects of teaching, that is, knowledge to be taught, which corresponds to the external Didactical Transposition. Soon after, we analyzed how these knowledge appear in classrooms in the 4th grade of elementary school, and also how they are negotiated by teachers, which is the main objective of our investigations, which corresponds to the internal Didactical Transposition, and also comprising investigating the emersion didactical phenomenon in the universe of those classrooms. The study showed that knowledge about the Environment of mangrove appear in scientific books and textbooks focusing mainly environmental preservation and placing human being as the principal agent of its degradation. With regard specifically to Environmental Education in areas of mangroves, this concept does not appear in textbooks. Moreover, in the classroom, even focusing on preservation, we observed that these notions of Environment Education appear more widely, encompassing other trends. However, the study showed that such knowledge of reference are searched by the teacher in an informal way, particularly from extra texts, as they are not found in textbooks. |