Resumo: |
This thesis presents a study about the life and work of the one who was called “Sábio Bertoni”. He worked at the region of Alto Paraná, on the border with Brazil, where currently is the Department of Alto Paraná in the Republic of Paraguay. In his Scientific Agricultural Colony, founded in 1892, Moisés Bertoni created a survival system, for which it was necessary a broad understanding of the environment in which it was installed. By this aspect, he began to develop a multitude of research in different fields of knowledge, which allowed him, at the end of the process, to contemplate a dense set of scientific knowledge in a variety of different fields. The analysis of his activity allows for a reflection, from its purposes and methods of the epistemological context from which scientific production develops from the European cultural matrix. The set of Bertoni's work, at times, brought him closer and also distanced him from the usual profile of the late 19th century scientist, who, in many cases, concentrated on providing theoretical bases for the profound systems of development and evolution of European and American supremacy in neo-colonial territories. |