Resumo: |
The dissertation investigates the criteria used by the judiciary for the trial of disputes concerning the environmental licensing of projects identified as harmful to ethnic groups, especially indigenous and quilombo communities. By adopting as theoretical works of François Ost, Michel Foucault and Pierre Bourdieu, we proceeded to initially examine the construction of the legal discourse on the environment, from the examination of the legal and constitutional order; then proceeded to the examination of the theme of ethnic identities in the Constitution, as well as its relationship with the protection of the environment, specifically analyzing the environmental licensing instrument, about the administrative actions of control of natural resources, along with the legalization public policies on the environment. We conducted case studies of three projects (HPPs Belo Monte, Teles Pires and the transposition of the river São Francisco) from the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court brasilian, proposing to reflect on the decision criteria effectively adopted. |