Resumo: |
It is largely observed that the discipline and subjective processes are given at school by the devices present in this institution conciliated with time, it is in this environment that the individual remains the most of his formative years, considering that this period of development is increased, thereby enhancing the scope, the creation and improvement of political technologies of the body and subjectivity practices. This theoretical and empirical objective research deterritorialize / defamiliarize the analysis of these important subjectification devices which are the "educational practices", from the microphysics formulated by Foucault. It offers a reading power in terms of multiple relationships, which runs through the micro scale structuring activities of individuals in society and institutions. Power is present in all institutions, relationships and situations, so it is also present in the construction of scientific knowledge, in their statements, their applications, which expand and branch, reaching the sphere of education and scientific knowledge produced in this area. Thus, it was decided to move from the concept of microphysics to think about the pedagogical practice, watching their assemblages, truth games, lines of forces poured into the subjectivity of student and teacher. We have indeed come a long way throughout arch genealogical method path of UNESCO's official texts on education, as well as an epistemological way, noting that the pedagogical practice, although it is responsible for the collective production of knowledge has become a knowledge subjected. With regard to the field research a perspective was aimed, on one hand to the understanding which teachers have about teaching practice in the particular universe area of knowledge of each, and on the other one, unveiling pedagogical resistance, where there is power considering from Foucault, there must be a resistance to it, that is inventive, mobile and productive. From there, shifted these power resistance characteristics, to think pedagogical practices that can counteract the power structures that feed the focus of theory and practice and consolidate a pedagogical practice merely of instruction, detaching from a broader formation. Finally, it was observed as a result, the teaching practice has become a knowledge subjected responsible for teaching and student subjectivity and feeds the rift between theory and practice. |