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Despite not being a common subject of studies about buffalo, the incidence of hulls diseases has important scientific aspects as these animals, as they are breeded in adverse conditions, have different resistance for the occurrence of podais diseases when compared to cattle, especially dairy cattle. The knowledge about microstructural structures of buffalo’s hoof generated important information for understanding of the intrinsic resistance of buffaloes foot diseases. This study aimed to investigate the microstructure of adult Jafarabadi buffaloes, through histomorphometric ratings, two-dimensional microtomography, three-dimensional, nanohardness test and biochemical composition. Histomorphometric ratings revealed important features not yet investigated by other researchers, highlighting the structural behavior of epidermal papillae in different regions of corneal layer, the morphology and disposition of the horn tubules, the architecture of extratubular and intratubular keratin and even organization of melanosomes . It was observed that the average length of buds, thickness and spacing in pelvic and thoracic digit did not show statistically significant differences. However, an increase in thickness of the laminar corium papillae of the wall and spacing was observed when comparing the average of the coronary corium and wall and sole laminar corium. When compared to the findings of other researchers, this study have shown that the epidermal papillae on the hulls of these animals are presented larger than the epidermal papillae of Holstein and Gir animals, suggesting that the buffalo’s has greater keratin production and better epidermis and horny case fixing. It can be conjectured that such characteristics are associate with greater resistance to foot diseases of this animals, although additional studies are needed. Analysis of microtomography and nanohardness test showed increased medial digit of forelimbs and side-digit of hindlimbs exhibit increased horn tubules with larger diameters. But the abaxial wall of forelimbs digit showed higher values than hindlimbs digit. Even there was not significant difference between the digits analyzed, this study could clarify important aspects of the nanohardness of different regions of the corneal case of buffalo’s digits. 3D microtomography analysis revealed that the dorsal wall presents a greater hardness compared to the abaxial wall of intermediate hardness, and with the sole of the hoof, that showed the lowest hardness among the evaluated areas. It was inferred that tridimensional microtomography testing is more specific than Vickers nanohardness test for this structure. However, further research are required. Biochemical tests generated parameters about structural elements of the corneal case, which showed different concentrations in relation to the region and anatomical position of the hull. These differences are related to the digits wich recive higher load of body weight and impact. This study generated knowledge and parameters to be used in further researches on different bovine species and breeds. |