Resumo: |
This theoretical and bibliographical research proposes reflections on the teaching of music with the aim of constituting critical, creative and socially emancipated subjects. Its main objective was to contribute to the praxis related to Art and Education, in order to reflect on the contradictions of culture in the human formation process while enabling to fulfill experiences. In order to accomplish that objective, we worked with the concept of Aesthetic Education, from music, in the light of the Critical Theory of the Frankfurt Society, more specifically from T. W. Adorno’s point of view. The main question stated in the research was: How can music, in the field of Education, based on Adorno’s ideas, contribute to the human formation? This research was grounded on Negative Dialectics for the understanding of the concept of human (de)formation, which means that contradictions of formation, highlighted in this study, were regarded as principles for the Adorno’s Aesthetic Education. Concerning the theme, it became noticeable, while reflecting on tonality and atonality, referring to composers such as Mahler, Schönberg, Berg and Stravinsky, that recognizing music as a formative art means understanding its emancipatory potential through the direct relation between form and content, essence and appearance. The mediation of music in the formative process may occur when what is in focus is the student’s involvement in her/his immanent character, appropriating music in its totality, from musical technical questions to the way it was idealized and materialized – its historicity and identity, as an element to fight the culture of barbarism. In this perspective, the formation, through music, undergoes the process of creation, interpretation and appreciation in which the possibilities of ideological impositions become noticeable. Thus, Aesthetic Education, focused on the teaching of music, considering Adorno’s ideas, must assume that critical immersion in the work of art is fundamental and, therefore, through what it offers - its aura, its essence, Its form and its content - knowledge can be built in a way that it provides a true revolutionary praxis. It is possible to conclude with this discussion that students must be involved with the teaching of music so that they are able to have a technical, theoretical, creative and critical interaction with music, in which they are, hopefully, going to understand and reflect on the complex plots of relations established in the social context and, thereafter, strengthen the struggle against barbarism and domination, which lead to dehumanization amid culture. |