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The present study deals with ripening, processing and acceptability of mango fruit (Mangifera indica, L.) from northeast Brazil. Mangoes from five different varieties (Rosa, Coité, Jasmim, Espada and Itamaracá) were obtained at the hard-green stage and allowed to ripen either in a climatic chamber or at roon temperature until the firm-ripe stage was reached. Soluble solids, pH, titrable acidity, sugars (reducing, non-reducing and total), starch and ascorbic acid were analyzed in the pulp of the hard-green and firm-ripe fruits. Physical and chemical characteristics of the mango peel, pulp and pit were also evaluated. Pulp extracted from the ripe fruits was preserved by using additives or by thermal processing, and then stored for 90 days. Chemical, physical, microbiological and sensory analysis were performed on the mango pulp during the storing period. Mango fruit ripen in climatic chamber showed better color and texture than that ripen under room temperature. Fruit weight variation during ripening was lower with the Jasmim, Itamaracá and Coité than with the Rosa and Espada varieties. Coité and Jasmim mangoes showed the best pulp yield (73.9% and 68.5%, respectively). The pulp from the all five mango varieties showed relatively low acid, protein, lipid, fiber, pectin and mineral content and high moisture and tannins when compared to data from the literature. The nut from the mango pit was found to be a good source of starch. Stability of the mango pulp was considered good throughout the storing period. No difference in sensory preference by panelist was observed in the pulp from the five mango varieties used in this study. |