Resumo: |
This work had as general aim analyzing education policies for inclusion and the identification assessment for Special Education Target audience (SETA) in Irati town, state of Paraná. Thereunto, we search to evidence global/international influences on the composition of inclusion educational policies, investigating the materiality of speeches on the inclusion policies and assessment in the State of Paraná and in Irati town, understanding how the process for student referral to the specialized educational attendance and understanding the assessment practices with SETA from experiences and perceptions by three teachers who work with Elementary Education, and by the Special Education team of the Municipal Secretary of Education of Irati town - Paraná. The study searched theoretical-methodological support in the policy cycle approach developed by Steven Ball and co-workers (BOWE; BALL; GOLD, 1992). For this analysis, three contexts are contemplated: context of influence, of text production and of practice. The investigation performed involved survey on the productions about the theme in study on the Brazilian Library of Thesis and Dissertations (Biblioteca Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações) from 2009 to 2019, bibliographical and documental analysis and collaborative research (SOUZA; MENDES, 2017; IBIAPINA, 2008; DESGAGNÉ, 2007; MENDES; CIA, 2012), and with three teachers who works in a municipal school in Irati town – Paraná, which involved six face-to-face meetings and the virtual platform Google Classroom, which took place in 2018 and 2019. Besides, we performed semi structured interview with the Special Education team of the Municipal Secretary of Education. SETA of Irati town, in Paraná, is identified through diagnostic assessment and psychoeducational assessment, and the relations stablished among policies and assessment practices is conflicted, marked by contradictions and have significance from the relations which are constituted in the school environment. These relations are influenced by objective and dynamic conditions regarding the material, structural and relational aspects. There is no assessment policy materialized by the legal texts, but the assessment policy is constituted through referrals and assessment protocols, which seldom achieve the teachers, or they interpret in a different way from what the Municipal Secretary of Education suggests. |