Resumo: |
This study investigates the discursive elements that compose the abstraction anecdote and what are the effects of meanings generated due to the recurrent presence of these resources in the tales of “Tutameia - Terceiras Estórias”, by Guimarães Rosa. For this purpose, we proceeded to an examination of critical fortune, in particular, on the first preface, “Aletria e Hermenêutica” due to the aesthetic considerations presented by Guimarães Rosa on the composition of the abstraction anecdote and the theory of the short story, since they are considered by the author as a sub-genre of the short story. Furthermore, we consider that the Rosian tale unfolds in several narrative planes and accesses different dimensions of the real through this resource. Thus, part of the meaning of the text is on a different plane from the main narrative and by using the abstraction anecdote, the author bypasses the absence of the narrator's omniscience and stream of consciousness to propose a new way of accessing emotions and characters' feelings. Based on this premise, we investigate, in a qualitative way, the main characteristics of the abstraction anecdote considering the relations of this genre with the anecdote, with the comic, and with the aesthetics of the short story. For this purpose, the concepts crude word, essential word, and neutral by Maurice Blanchot were used; the concept outside Maurice Blanchot, Michel Foucault and Gilles Deleuze; Michel Foucault's will of truth conception; Henri Bergson's comic procedures and comic language; and the theory of the short story by Ricardo Piglia, Cleusa Rios Passos and Regina Pontieri. In this research, the analysis of the tales “Estória nº 3”, “Faraó e a água do rio” e “ −Uai, eu?” demonstrated that the abstraction anecdote is Guimarães' aesthetic proposal for the modern tale since there is an apparent narrative, however, it is the discursive elements of the abstraction anecdote that access the secret story revealing the other dimension of the real making us feel what you want to tell us |