Resumo: |
The objective of this research is to investigate and interpret, from the researcher-teacher-designer s perspective, two phenomena: design and implementation of a distance writing course for English for High School teachers in public schools, in São Paulo, designed according to the needs expressed by teachers working in this context, as well as the ones perceived in the official documents: Proposta Curricular do Estado de São Paulo para a disciplina de Língua Estrangeira Moderna (São Paulo, 2008) and Cadernos written by Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo (São Paulo, 2008). However, this study reveals a particular way of conceiving this research and course, as complexity is its foundation (Morin, 1999/2006a,b, 1990/2008, 2005/2006, among others), establishing a dialogue with the theoretical basis, the methodological approach, the course design and its implementation. In this study, I articulate Dewey s theory of thought formation (1933/1959, 1938/1971) to Schön s epistemology of practice (1991, 1992, 1998/2000), studies in the writing area (Zamel, 1985,1987; Ferris, 1995,2003; Grabe & Kaplan, 1996, among others) and online teaching (Palloff & Pratt, 1999; Horton, 2000, Filatro, 2003, 2008, among others). To investigate the nature of a lived experience, the methodological approach chosen was the hermeneutic-phenomenological one (van Manen, 1990 and Freire, 1998, 2007, 2008a,b, 2010). In this work, I present the needs revealed by the teachers and the official documents, I describe the different phases that are part and structure the phenomena in focus and I interpret them. The interpretation, under the perspective of the teacher researcher and course designer, reveals the themes that compose the design and implementation phenomena, besides their existing interrelation. The texts reveal seven main themes in relation to the design phenomenon: questionings, exploration, research, challenges, definitions, time and fear. In relation to the implementation phenomenon, five are the main themes: exploration, questionings, definitions, transformations and fear |