Resumo: |
This work has as central objective analyze the behavior of the informal economy in RMSP (Região Metropolitana de São Paulo) in the period 2002 to 2008, and their possible determinants. The procedure used research is, in their vast majority, the bibliographical research, which has as a source some of the main authors and research institutes who studies the informal economy in the international sphere. In addition, are used empirical data supplied mainly by IBGE (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística) through its PME (Pesquise Mensal de Emprego) and datas from INEGI (Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Geografia) through its ENOE (Encuesta Nacional de Ocupación y Empleo). It is also used a comparative analysis of the development of the informal economy between RMSP and RMCM (Região Metropolitana da Cidade do México). The focus of comparative analysis is the RMSP. The RMCM, in this case, serves as a reference, that is, in order to verify that the findings made for the RMSP has resonance in another reality. One of the conclusions of this work is that the determinants of the informal economy can be found in three major lines of the analysis: labor market, demographic aspects and economic growth. And from the observation of the determinants contained in these lines of the analysis with the informal economy, it was possible to reach other conclusions. In the case of RMSP, for the period 2002 to 2008, the informal economy presented a mild trend for reduction, went out of 45.11% of the population occupied and turning to 44.26%. Therefore, after these observations, the trend is for the RMSP the reduction of the informal economy observed is related to the growth of PIB on quarterly average rates around 4.5% over the last two years. This growth in PIB favored the reduction of unemployment a marked increase in the region, which possibly led people employed in the informal economy to find occupations in formal economy. However, the reduction of the informal economy has not been more marked due to the growth of PEA (População Economicamente Ativa) which has a strong positive correlation with the informal economy. The RMCM, for the period 2002 to 2008, presented a growth of the informal economy, and in 2002 the population occupied in the informal economy was in 51.10% from 52.07% in 2008. The trend is that this growth in the informal economy is related to economic growth little consistent in Mexico, which gave a lower capacity for generation of jobs for the region. In addition, the growth of PEA, the same way as for the RMSP, has stimulated a growth of the occupied in the informal economy |