Resumo: |
The objective of the present study was to analyze, through the possible voters' appreciation, the expressiveness of candidates to mayor of the city of Salvador (BAHIA) in a situation of television debate. Images of three political candidates that led the opinion researches were recorded in DVD. Later, two answers of each candidate were chosen and edited, from the beginning and from the end of the debate, without selecting the content of the answer. The images were judged by 127 possible voters, of both sexes and of different age groups, professions and socioeconomic and education levels, aiming at to evaluate their preferences and justifications in relation to the three candidates, as well as to analyze the expressiveness of the contestants. As for expressiveness, the possible voters had the task of judging the candidates' speech regarding the motivation; the tone, pleasant or unpleasant; the fact of engrossing or not the attention; causing emotion; transmitting credibility or insecurity; the quality of the voice and the use of gestures and facial and corporal expressions. The possible voters selected C2 as the most expressive candidate. In second place, it was C3 and, in third, C1. The same happened as for the order of preference for candidates. Relationship was not verified between the preference and the possible voters' education and/or socioeconomic level. The results pointed that C1, for being the least expressive candidate, differed significantly from C2 and C3 in all of the items of expressiveness. The conclusion was that C2 was the favorite candidate, because he/she spoke pausingly, in a clear and objective way, with good vocal quality, use of balanced gestures, contributing for his/her way of expressing to be considered by the possible voters as pleasant, motivating, capable to engross the attention and to transmit credibility. This being so, those aspects were valued by the possible voters, being decisive for the choice of political candidates in this research choice |