Resumo: |
This research project analyzes the television show Manhattan Connection, currently shown on the cable channel, Globo News. The format of the program it’s centered on the debates between presenters Lucas Mendes, Caio Blinder, Diogo Mainardi, Ricardo Amorim and Pedro Andrade. Their discussions are mainly about the North American and Brazilian news. We work with the hypothesis that the crisis triggered by the September 11, episode would have repercussions on the self-perception of the American nation, reducing their male ideals, understood as imaginary attributes of the dominating hero. Inseparably from this first hypothesis, we suppose that this reduction would be seen in the fall of the quality of the debates, which tends to the dialogue of the deaf, and in the irony of the debaters about themselves. The research corpus covers programs from 1993 to 2014. The selection prioritized the debates regarding critical moments in the recent history of the United States, such as the attack on the World Trade Center, the economic crisis of 2008 and the lawsuits they chose Barack Obama President. At first, the survey offers a panorama of the Brazilian media and television culture, exploring the history of the vehicle and, especially, how manly Americanism has established itself as the basis for programs like Manhattan Connection. The theoretical basis of this project turns to an analysis of the television language, with the support of scholars like Eugênio Bucci, Muniz Sodré, Artlindo Machado and Maria Rita Kehl. The research also involves readings on the representation of virility and the values of the virile hero, in this case Pierre Bordieu, Elisabeth Badinter and Socrates Nolasco. Recent studies on American history and sociology are also explored, especially those proposed by Slavoj Zizek and Noam Chomsky. The project is relevant due to the lack of work on the program, although it has remained in the air since 1993 and to propose a Brazilian view of North American life, based on the daily and direct experience of the country by most of its journalists |