Resumo: |
This work is concerned to Education, specifically in the Technical Education field in the Medium Level. Its aim is to study the Educational Reform impact and the Technical Education in the Medium Level, bringing up innovations from the new legislation about Professional Education. It rests on the hypothesis that the new law Lei de Diretrizes e Bases (LDB 9394/96) has still preserved some characteristics of an authoritary, elitist and neoliberal system. However, one can not deny its improvement, which opened a way up in the direction of a democratic education to the Brazilian workers. The Human Being Capital, Modernization and Reproduction theories were applied in order to carry out the analysis of the data. After an historical retrospective view, this work focuses on the present law concerned to the reform of the Educational System. It also focuses on the official discourses abaout this subject. The data, obtained through interviews and questionnaires, express the pratice reactions and impacts of the education facing the reform that will be implemented. The empiric research and theoretical studies revealed optimism, apprehension and criticism to the Professional Education models that is being implemented in the Medium Level. This research tries to show the reactions and some reasons for us to have hope from the experience and proposals of the reform that will be introduced into schools associated to CEETEPS (Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza). |