Resumo: |
The present thesis intends to investigate and problematize the contemporary performance of the ironist art-educator, proposed by Imanol Aguirre (2009), whose archetype is suggested in the personification of platonic Socrates, who does not take long to ironize in his stinging and pedagogical dialogues, basing itself on the potency of language by inserting its interlocutors into a spiral of doubts regarding pre-established knowledge. Socratic nuances are problematized in an interface with ironist theory in the light of Plato (2008; 2017), Soren Kierkegaard (1991; 2013), Friedrich Nietzsche (1999; 2005; 2007), Jean-Joël Duhot (2004), G.B. Kerferd (2003), Nicolas Grimaldi (2006), Marina McCoy (2010), Walter Omar Kohan (2011), Françoise Waquet (2010) and D.C. Muecke (2008). In this sense, the first ironist echoes find epistemic and lexical resonance with the liberal ironist, presented by Richard Rorty (2007), having as a horizon the contemporary constitution of the ironist educator's identity. The research consists of a qualitative study and assumes the Narrative Research methodology, with emphasis on the authorship of Connely and Clandinin (2011) and Elizeu Clementino de Souza (2006; 2008), whose dialog includes the contributions of Marie-Christine Josso (2004) and Jorge Bondía Larrosa (2002; 2011). The whole of the research takes on the contours of Paul Ricoeur's (1990; 2010; 2014; 2015; 2019) Hermeneutics by pointing to human understandability intuited through the world of the text. The composition of the thesis is completed with five teaching narratives from the public network of the State of São Paulo, in the area of Languages and Codes and their Technologies (Portuguese Language, English Language, Art and Physical Education) from their teacher-identity training with possible ironistic traces in its performance and experience, in the face of the challenges posed in the teaching-learning processes in/of contemporaneity.(AU) |