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The present study was developed based on the Education, History and Politics research field of the Post Graduate Program of the Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina. It aims to investigate the action of the Santa Catarina’s Public Education Labor Union in the implementation of the National Professional Minimum Wage. The Minimum Wage Law n.11.738, from July 16th, 2008 became the main instrument to promote better conditions for the public basic education teaching. The effort to appreciate the professional teaching class has a long history and it is embedded in legal mechanisms designed to enable the payment of a national minimum wage, such as the Federal Constitution of 1988, the Law n.9.394 from December 20th, 1996 (Educational Laws and Guidelines), the Law n.9.424, from December 24th, 1996 (Maintenance and Development of the Elementary Education and Enhancement of Teaching Professionals Fund Law) and Law n. 11.494 from June 20th, 2007 (Maintenance and Development of the Basic Education and Enhancement of Education Professionals Fund Law). In Santa Catarina State the Minimum Wage Law was not applied immediately due to a former Governor decision, together with other four governors, to submit the matter as a Direct Action of Unconstitutionality at the Federal Supreme Court. In 2011, the Federal Supreme Court manifested itself through the constitutionality of the Law of the Minimum Wage and determined its immediate application, however in Santa Catarina State the government did not express an intention to abide by the decision, compelling teachers engage through the union mobilization in one of the longest strikes in the history of category. In order to ratify the importance labor union efforts for the appreciation of the teaching class, a historical survey was carried out to analyze the Brazilian legislation and show the precarious conditions of the teaching salaries. It was also carried out an inquiry to analyze the results achieved by the efforts promoted by the Public Education Labor Union for the improvement of the teachers´ salaries. After presenting the historical background, it highlighted the main conflicts occurred during the 2011 strike, presenting relevant aspects of the legal measures adopted by the legislature for the payment of the minimum wage. When analyzing the data related to the implementation period in the Santa Catarina’s teaching activity, this study aims to contribute to the national research financed by the Improvement of Higher Education Coordination whose title is "Remuneration of Public Schools Basic Education Teachers in the Context of the FUNDEB and PSPN". This research investigates the Elementary Education and Enhancement of Teaching Professionals Fund and National Professional Minimum Wage impacts on the remuneration structure of public elementary school teachers in 12 Brazilian states and their capitals between 2006 and 2013. |