Buscas alternativas:
push and » ph and (Expandir a busca), fish and (Expandir a busca), cash and (Expandir a busca)
ash and » slash and (Expandir a busca), math and (Expandir a busca)
push and » ph and (Expandir a busca), fish and (Expandir a busca), cash and (Expandir a busca)
ash and » slash and (Expandir a busca), math and (Expandir a busca)
“... allowing to bound the completion time for the Markov dynamic using bounds on the completion time in the...”
Rumour spreading in dynamic random graphs
“... aplicações importantes. Os algoritmos para o fluxo máximo baseados no método push-relabel são conhecidos...”
Problema do fluxo máximo em redes utilizando openMP e CUDA